Familiar friends....where are you?

Shock and numbness.....you are slipping away from me. You were my constant companions for so long, intensely inhabiting every portion of my life, consuming every moment....even in my sleep. You walked hand in hand with Grief and helped in some small way for me to deal with her but you've been slipping away from me. As you have quietly exited from my life, Grief has gotten more intense in many ways. Loneliness has been even more unbearable than when you were my constant and overwhelming companions.

Shock, you overwhelmed every part of my life.....mentally, physically, emotionally.....and carried me through the first minutes, hours, days and weeks....even months.

Numbness, you sedated every system in my being making existence bearable enough to somehow struggle through to the next minute, the next hour.

Shock, you have allowed Reality to enter my life as you have been slipping away. I hate Reality. Reality is not a friend. Reality is cruel and hard. Reality brings no promises...only Pain. Reality moves deeper into my life and pushes you, Shock, farther from me. Why have you allowed this to happen? Shock, I need you. I need you and Numbness to help me through this. I'm not ready for you to leave me.

Numbness, you've let Shock tell you that you must move out of my life so I can adjust to this horrible place I'm in. Numbness, I do not want you to leave. You help me. You make it somehow not so horrifically hard, you make it less painful to deal with Pain. Numbness, please stay with me a little longer, please stay here and hold my hand during the most difficult times. Please don't let Reality destroy what progress I've made.

Adjustment, you are illusive. I cannot call you a friend.....you seem to step in for a moment or two and then you're gone. You are like a kitten trying to cross a mud puddle....you look, sometimes you even touch me, and then you're gone.

Adjustment, please, please don't be so illusive. Please come in side by side with Reality and control it. Please help Reality to be less painful. Adjustment, please be my friend.

Shock and Numbness, please don't leave me until Adjustment is strong enough to help me. Reality is so cruel, please help Adjustment to help me. I cannot handle Grief alone; Grief doesn't want to be cruel but she is. Please teach her to walk hand in hand with Adjustment just as you both walked together to help me survive this far.

Please, familiar friends, help me through this......don't leave me too soon.

Glenna Rose Bowman, March 1998
Missing Marcus, my precious son

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