(2002) A Letter from Eunice, Pete's mom.

Dear Peter:

     Nine years ago we were happily preparing for your wedding to Sue on August 14th. Today, your Dad and I are discussing the One Year Memorial Observance of your death, you, Sue and little Christine Lee on September 11. You and 3000 others were slaughtered, and now we have been asked by so many to describe our feelings.
You and Sue and Christine are always in our thoughts and hearts...we miss you so much. Peter, I still feel the terrible pain that went through my whole being when Dad, holding the phone heard your last words. As the plane banked and crashed into that tower and exploded in a burst of flame, I screamed, I knew that all the joys we had together, all the love, care and good times we shared all the dreams and hopes we had were gone...ended by those murderous cowards.
The thought of the three of you in each other's arms in that final moment will never leave me. I have been told that there could not have been any pain, but you knew what was happening. How could those murderers have looked at those innocent people on the plane, at beautiful Christine and so cruelly kill?
     How could their leaders, hidden and protected in a far off land, laugh and joke about their lack of humanity. I want them brought to justice, but my feelings are about you. How can I ever forget you, why would I want to forget you? How could I forget your curiosity and energy. Or those bitter sweet teen years when you would quietly come into my bedroom and ask if would talk with you and you would pour out your experiences of life, not looking for answers, only wanting to talk. 
     And those dreadlocks!!  After you met Sue you cut them off and brought them home to me. The Grateful Dead, whose music you loved so much that you convinced your Dad and I to attend some concerts to share the experience. You moved to Boston to attend College, embrace the city then met Sue. I remember your calling me from Boston, and asking me to come and help you pick out an engagement ring because you were going to ask her to marry you.
     I remember how you encouraged Sue to go for her PhD. We loved her so much. And Christine Lee was love personified. The world would have had no limits for her. She made me feel so special.
She was truly her mom and dad's daughter. To this day, I expect to he phone to ring and hear her sweet voice telling me about her day at day care and always closing with "I love you Namma".
     Before the trip she told me she was going to visit her great grandmother and then visit Mickey Mouse and Pluto. And then she said, "I want to go to your house Namma".  Peter, people have been so kind. Our Church, Easton Community, the people of Groton, MA where you live, Boston University, your friends, our friends, the political community and even the press.
     The Memorial dedicated to you, Sue and Christine in Groton is so meaningful and the elegy written by Carl Schroeder, "Christine's Lullaby" is so moving, so beautiful. I am sure when Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead called us you were smiling he told us he was dedicated a concert of his new group to you.
     You all had so many friends, good friends who keep in contact with us, for you and Sue were such good loyal friends. Your love was steadfast. We have all the wonderful memories no one can take from us but oh, how I miss you my beautiful children.


The Life of Coleah Penley-Ayers