Solutions to Selected Final Exam Questions

Below are solutions to some of the questions on the final exam. Some questions had more than one correct solution (e.g. the questions that require you to write C++ code.) Some of these solutions are abbreviated (I didn't describe all of the answers in detail.) If you need the details, you can refer to the text book. For some questions, I've referenced a page in the textbook where the answer or similar problem can be found.

Question #6

6. The following program contains a recursive function.
a) What is the output of the program?


int recFunc(long number)
  if (number == 0)
    return 0;
    return 1 + recFunc(number / 10);

void main(void)
  long number = 25436;
  cout << recFunc(number) << endl;
The output is 5. In short, the recursion goes something like this:
recFunc(25436) = 1 + recFunc(2543)
               = 1 + 1 + recFunc(254)
               = 1 + 1 + 1 + recFunc(25)
               = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + recFunc(2)
               = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + recFunc(0)
               = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0
               = 5

Question #7

Given this definition of a Node:

struct Node
  int value;
  char letter;
  Node* link;
Implement a recursive function that deletes each Node in a linked list. You will earn more points if you do not use any temporary local variables. (Hint: delete the nodes from the end.) This is the declaration for the function: void deleteList(Node* head);
void deleteList(Node* head)
  if (head)
    delete head;
Question #9

Using the Node struct defined in the previous problem and given this code below:

void main(void)
  Node* ptr1;
  Node* ptr2;
  Node* ptr3;

  ptr2 = new Node;
  ptr2->value = 5;
  ptr2->letter = 'a';
  ptr2->link = new Node;
  ptr3 = ptr2->link;
  ptr3->value = 7;
  ptr1 = new Node;
  ptr3->link = ptr1;
  ptr1->value = 7;
  ptr1->letter = 'b';
  ptr1->link = ptr2;
Evaluate each of the following expressions: (similar to #7 on page 1113)
     Value         Expression
a.     5       ptr1->link->value
b.   TRUE      ptr1->value > ptr1->link->value
c. Undefined   pr1->link->link->letter
d.   TRUE      ptr1 == ptr3->link
e.    7        ptr2->link->value
f.   TRUE      ptr2->link == ptr3
g.   FALSE     pr2->letter < ptr3->link->link->letter
h.   FALSE     ptr1->link == ptr3

Question #11

11. For a language to be considered an object-oriented language, it must provide 3 facilities. What are these facilities? Describe each of these facilities. (page 907)

1. Data abstraction
2. Inheritance
3. Dynamic binding (Polymorphism)

Question #12

12. Within a program, two classes can be independent of each other and have nothing in common. However, we have learned that there are 2 cases in which objects can be related. What terms do we use to define these two relationships? Explain what each term means. (page 909)

1. Inheritance
2. Composition

Question #13

13. When we derive one class from another, sometimes we want to override a function. Explain what it means to override a function. Be specific. (page 913)

Read page 913

Question #14

14. Given the Node struct defined in question #7, we've created a class called IntList that uses it to implement a linked list. Write the implementation for the Prepend public member function. You don't have to write comments, but you do have to use good programming techniques that you've learned in this class. (page 1065)

class IntList
    void Prepend(int data, char c);

    Node* head;

void IntList::Prepend(int data, char c)
  Node* newNodePtr = new Node;

  newNodePtr->value = data;
  newNodePtr->letter = c;
  newNodePtr->link = head;
  head = newNodePtr;

Question #15

Below are the specifications and implementations of 3 classes: Animal, Dog, and Cat. Study them carefully. On the next page there is a short driver program that uses these classes. Answer the question below the driver code.

const int MAX_LENGTH = 50;

class Animal
    Animal(char *name);
    virtual void Speak(void);
    void Display(void);
    char name[MAX_LENGTH + 1];

Animal::Animal(char* n)
  strncpy(name, n, MAX_LENGTH);
  name[MAX_LENGTH] = NULL;
  cout << "Constructing an Animal named " << name << endl;

  cout << "Freeing an Animal named " << name << endl;

void Animal::Speak(void)
  cout << "???" << endl;

void Animal::Display(void)
  cout << name;

class Dog : public Animal
    Dog(char* name);
    void Speak(void);

Dog::Dog(char* name) : Animal(name)
  cout << "Constructing a Dog named " << name << endl;

  cout << "Freeing a Dog" << endl;

void Dog::Speak(void)
  cout << "Woof" << endl;

class Cat : public Animal
    Cat(char* name);
    void Speak(void);

Cat::Cat(char* name) : Animal(name)
  cout << "Constructing a Cat named " << name << endl;

  cout << "Freeing a Cat" << endl;

void Cat::Speak(void)
  cout << "Meow" << endl;

void main(void)
  Dog dog("Fido");
  Cat cat("Kitty");

  Animal* pet[2];

  pet[0] = &dog;
  pet[1] = &cat;

15. What is the output of the above program?
Constructing an Animal named Fido
Constructing a Dog named Fido
Constructing an Animal named Kitty
Constructing a Cat named Kitty
Freeing a Cat
Freeing an Animal named Kitty
Freeing a Dog
Freeing an Animal named Fido
Extra Credit
Implement an efficient Append method for the IntList class specified below. The IntList class implements a linked list of Node structs which have 2 pointer members allowing for a doubly-linked list. The class includes two private members, head and tail, which always point to the beginning and end of a non-empty list, respectively. Assume there is a constructor that initializes head and tail to NULL.
struct Node
  int data; 
  Node* next; 
  Node* prev;

class IntList
    void Append(int data);  

    Node* head;     
    Node* tail;

void IntList::Append(int data)
  Node* newNodePtr = new Node;

  newNodePtr->data = data;
  newNodePtr->next = NULL;
  newNodePtr->prev = NULL;

  if (!tail)		
    head = newNodePtr;
    tail->next = newNodePtr;
    newNodePtr->prev = tail;

  tail = newNodePtr;

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