More Linked Lists

Inserting into a Linked List

The code on this page accompanied the diagrams that were drawn on the blackboard on Wednesday's lecture.

This is the structure of our Node:

struct Node
  int data;
  Node* link;
head is assumed to be a pointer to the head of a non-empty list and the item to insert is 10.
Node* currPtr;
Node* prevPtr;
Node* newNodePtr;

newNodePtr = new Node;
newNodePtr->data = item;
prevPtr = NULL;
currPtr = head;

while (currPtr != NULL && item > currPtr->data)
  prevPtr = currPtr;
  currPtr = currPtr->link;

newNodePtr->link = currPtr;
if (prevPtr == NULL)
  head = newNodePtr;
  prevPtr->link = newNodePtr;
Deleting an Item in a Linked List

This code doesn't assume that the item is in the list. It may not be present, and this code will handle that case. Also, this code only removes the first occurrence of the item. If more than one exist, only the first one is removed.

head is assumed to be a pointer to the head of a non-empty list and the item to delete is 10.

Node* oldptr;
Node* ptr;

if (head->data == item)
  oldptr = head;
  head = head->next;
  delete oldptr;
  ptr = head;
  while (ptr->next)
    if (ptr->next->data == item)
      oldptr = ptr->next;
      ptr->next = ptr->next->next;
      delete oldptr;
    ptr = ptr->next;
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