Sample Solution to Lab #1

//  Student Name :  Denny Ubbm
//  Student ID   :  123-45-6789
//  Course       :  CS 162
//  Assignment   :  Lab #1
//  Program File :  search.cpp
//  Due Date     :  7/8/98
//  Description  :  This implementation file contains functions necessary
//		    to read a data file, store it in an array, and perform
//		    various manipulations on the data, as specified in
//		    specification file search.h.  Manipulations include:
//			o  Linear search on an unsorted list
//			o  Linear search on a sorted list
//  			o  Binary search on a sorted list
//			o  A selection-type sort on a list
//			o  Deleting the first occurrence of a specified item
//			o  Deleting all occurrences of a specified item

#include "search.h"    // interface header file
#include <iostream.h>  // for I/O
#include <iomanip.h>   // for data manipulation
#include <fstream.h>   // for file I/O

// Function: ReadData
//           This function reads integers from a text file.  If there are
//           more than MAX_LENGTH data, the extra data will not be read.
//  Inputs: filename - the name of the file that contains the integers
//  Outputs: list    - the array representing the list of items
//           count   - the number of integers read in
//           success - a Boolean indicating if the function successfully
//                      read in the integers

void ReadData(const char filename[],
	      ItemType list[],
	      int& count,
	      Boolean& success)


      // holds input file
   ifstream inFile;

      // declare varible to temporarily hold input data
   ItemType data;

      // attempt to open file (filename);

      // set counter to start at beginning of list
   count = 0;

      // test to see if file opened, if so, begin entering data into list
      // if can't open, set boolean to FALSE
   if (inFile)


	   // prime while loop
	inFile >> data;

	   // read data into array until maximum array size is reached or
	   // EOF is encountered
	while (inFile && count < MAX_LENGTH)
		// read data into array named list
	      list[count] = data;
	      inFile >> data;

	   // set boolean to TRUE
	success = TRUE;

	   // if can't open file, set boolean to FALSE and beep
	success = FALSE;

// Function: LinearSearch
//           This function searches  sequentially for an item in an unsorted
//           list.
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           item   - the item to search for (type is ItemType)
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//  Outputs: index    - an integer representing the item's position (if found)
//           found    - a Boolean indicating if the item was found
//           compares - an integer representing the number of compares.

void LinearSearch(const ItemType list[],
		  ItemType item,
		  int length,
		  int& index,
		  Boolean& found,
		  int& compares)

     // set index to start at beginning of list
  index = 0;

     // set compares to zero
  compares = 0;

     // loop through list until item is found or all data have been read
  while (index < length && item != list [index])

     // if item matches a value on the list, then index < length at drop
     // from loop, so boolean is set to TRUE; if the item was not found,
     // index will be equal to length at drop from loop, so boolean = FALSE
  found = (index < length);

     // if the item was found, the # of compares will be the index value
     // at dropping out of the while loop plus 1; if not found, the # of
     // compares will be the length of the list
  if (found)
     compares = index + 1;
     compares = length;


// Function: LinearSearchOrd
//   This function searches sequentially for an item in an sorted list.
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           item   - the item to search for (type is ItemType)
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//  Outputs: index    - an integer representing the item's position (if found)
//           found    - a Boolean indicating if the item was found
//           compares - an integer representing the number of compares.
void LinearSearchOrd(const ItemType list[],
		     ItemType item,
		     int length,
		     int& index,
		     Boolean& found,
		     int& compares)

     // set index to start at beginning of list
  index = 0;

     // set compares to zero
  compares = 0;

     // since the list is sorted (ascending), loop through list until the
     // item is greater than the value it is being compared to, or until
     // all the data values in the list have been compared to item
  while (item > list [index] && index < length)

     // set boolean to TRUE if item matches a value in the list
  found = (item == list[index]);

     // if the item was found or if it was not found and the entire list
     // has not been evaluated, then the # of compares will be the
     // index plus 1;  if the item was not found and the entire list has
     // been searched, the # of compares will be the length of list
  if (found || (!found && index < length))
    compares = index + 1;
    compares = length;


// Function: BinarySearch
//           This function uses a binary search method to find an item in a
//           sorted list.
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           item   - the item to search for (type is ItemType)
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//  Outputs: index    - an integer representing the item's position (if found)
//           found    - a Boolean indicating if the item was found
//           compares - an integer representing the number of compares.
void BinarySearch(const ItemType list[],
		  ItemType item,
		  int length,
		  int& index,
		  Boolean& found,
		  int& compares)

     // lower bound on list
  int first = 0;

     // upper bound on list
  int last = length -1;

     // middle index
  int middle;

     // set number of comparisons initially to zero
  compares = 0;

     // set boolean initially to indicate item not found
  found = FALSE;

     //loop through data until item
  while (last >= first && !found)
	  // compute midpoint of array
       middle = (first + last) / 2;

	  // search lower half
       if (item < list[middle])
	last = middle -1;

	  // search upper half
       else if (item > list[middle])
	first = middle + 1;

	// item found
	found = TRUE;

	// increment compare counter each loop-through

     // if item is found, its index is equivalent to middle variable
  index = middle;


// Function: Sort
//   This function sorts a list of items. When the function returns,
//   the array will be sorted.
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//  Outputs: list - the sorted array
void Sort(ItemType list[], int length)

     // temporary variable
  ItemType temp;

     // outer loop counter
  int passCount;

     // inner loop counter
  int placeCount;

     // index of temporary minimim value
  int minIndex;

     // loop through the list
  for (passCount = 0; passCount < length - 1; passCount++)
	  // temporarily set current item index to minimum index
       minIndex = passCount;

	  // search rest of list for index of the smallest item in the list
	  // and set it to minIndex if it's smaller
       for(placeCount = passCount + 1 ; placeCount < length ; placeCount++)
	     if (list[placeCount] < list[minIndex])
		minIndex = placeCount;

	  // perform a swap on the two values, now smallest number is
	  // is in the placeCount index location (highest on list)
       temp = list[minIndex];
       list[minIndex] = list[passCount];
       list[passCount] = temp;


// Function: DeleteOne
//   This function deletes one item from an unsorted list
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//           item   - the item to delete
//  Outputs: list   - the array with one occurrence of item removed
//           length - the length of the updated list
void DeleteOne(ItemType list[], int &length, ItemType item)

     // declare a boolean variable to flag if item was found
  Boolean located;

     // set counter to start at beginning of list
  int counter = 0;

     // search list as was done in LinearSearch function
  while (counter < length && item != list[counter])

     // set boolean to TRUE if item found
  located = (counter < length);

     // if item was found on the list, its position is list[counter]
  if (located)


	// loop through the list, starting at one postion past where
	// the match was, and shift all values down, overwriting the
	// matched item
      while (counter < length)
	   list[counter] = list[counter + 1];

	// decrement the length by one since one value was "removed"
      length -= 1;

    }   // if item was not found, change nothing


// Function: DeleteAll
//           This function deletes all elements from an unsorted list that
//           match a certain item.
//   Inputs: list   - the array representing the list of items
//           length - an integer representing the length of the list
//           item   - the item to search for
//  Outputs: list - the array with all occurrences of 'item' removed
//           length - the length of the updated list
void DeleteAll(ItemType list[], int &length, ItemType item)

     // set outer loop counter to start at beginning of list
  int outCounter = 0;

     // declare another counter for the inner loop
  int inCounter;

     // loop through list, when a match is found, shift all values down,
     // overwriting the matched item; decrement length and loop counter
     // whenever an item is "removed"; if no match, change nothing
  while (outCounter < length)
      if (list[outCounter] == item)
	   for ( inCounter = outCounter ; inCounter < length ; inCounter++)
	      list [inCounter] = list [inCounter + 1];
	   length -= 1;
	   outCounter -=1;


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