Function Templates

Overloaded Functions (review)

Recall this problem from our discussion of functions in C++:
int cube(int n)
  return n * n * n;
int i = 8;
long l = 50L;
float f = 2.5F;
double d = 3.14;
std::cout << cube(i) << std::endl; // Works fine: 512
std::cout << cube(l) << std::endl; // May or may not work: 125000
std::cout << cube(f) << std::endl; // Not quite what we want: 8
std::cout << cube(d) << std::endl; // Not quite what we want: 27
First attempt, "old skool" fix in C:
int cube_int(int n)
  return n * n * n;

float cube_float(float n)
  return n * n * n;
double cube_double(double n)
  return n * n * n;

long cube_long(long n)
  return n * n * n;
It will work as expected:
std::cout << cube_int(i) << std::endl;    // Works fine: 512
std::cout << cube_long(l) << std::endl;   // Works fine: 125000
std::cout << cube_float(f) << std::endl;  // Works fine: 15.625
std::cout << cube_double(d) << std::endl; // Works fine: 30.9591
This quickly becomes tedious and unmanageable as we write other functions to handle other types such as unsigned int, unsigned long, char, as well as user-defined types that might come along.

Then we discovered we could "fix" the problem by overloading the function:

Overloaded functions:

int cube(int val)
 return val * val * val;
long cube(long val)
 return val * val * val;
float cube(float val)
 return val * val * val;
double cube(double val)
 return val * val * val;
Client usage:

int i = cube(2);           // cube(int), i is 8
long l = cube(100L);       // cube(long), l is 1000000L
float f = cube(2.5f);      // cube(float), f is 15.625f
double d = cube(2.34e25);  // cube(double), d is 1.2812904e+76

Function Templates

Introduction: This is our new cube function using a template: (two new keywords are introduced here)
template <typename T> T cube(T value)
  return value * value * value; // This is how you cube any value,
                                // regardless of the type.
Often, the function template is written with the template and typename keywords on a separate line above so as to keep the function "clean" looking. This is especially useful when this line is dozens of characters long.
template <typename T> 
T cube(T value)
  return value * value * value;
Other notes: Details:

Automatic Type Deduction

Note that often the compiler can deduce the types of the arguments (and hence, the type of T) from the parameters. However, sometimes the compiler can't figure it out and generates an error (see below).

Let's modify the templated cube function to see what types are actually being passed in:

#include <typeinfo> // typeid

template <typename T> 
T cube(T value)
  std::cout << "cube<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
  return value * value * value; 
Operator precedence chart for C++

Sample code:

void f2()
    // Compiler deduction
              //  Microsoft       Borland        GNU/Clang
  cube(2);    // cube<int>      cube<int>      cube<i>
  cube(2.0f); // cube<float>    cube<float>    cube<f>
  cube(2.0);  // cube<double>   cube<double>   cube<d>
  cube('A');  // cube<char>     cube<char>     cube<c>

    // Explicit call
                   //  Microsoft       Borland        GNU/Clang
  cube<int>(2);    // cube<int>      cube<int>      cube<i>
  cube<double>(2); // cube<double>   cube<double>   cube<d>
  cube<int>(2.1);  // cube<int>      cube<int>      cube<i>     (warning)
As you can see, the actual string that is printed out is dependent on the compiler.

Of course, you can always cast the parameter to force a particular call:

  // Casting will force it as well
                              //  Microsoft       Borland        GNU/Clang
cube(static_cast<int>(2));    // cube<int>      cube<int>      cube<i>
cube(static_cast<double>(2)); // cube<double>   cube<double>   cube<d>
cube(static_cast<int>(2.1));  // cube<int>      cube<int>      cube<i>   (no warning)

User-Defined Types in Template Functions

Templates only provide some of the necessary functionality.

Suppose we wanted to cube a StopWatch object:

StopWatch sw1(4);    // Create a StopWatch set to 4 seconds
StopWatch sw2;       // Create a StopWatch set to 0 seconds
sw2 = cube(sw1);     // Cube the first StopWatch and assign to second
cout << sw2 << endl; // ???
Will this compile? If so, what will it print out? To understand what's going on, look at what the compiler is generating:
template <typename T> cube(T value)
  return value * value * value;        ---->
StopWatch cube(StopWatch value)
  return value * value * value;

Will this cube function compile? Why or why not?

The answer is: it depends.


If there is no overloaded operator*, the compiler will generate an error message in the template function:

template <typename T> 
T cube(T value)
  return value * value * value; // no match for 'operator*' in 'value * value'
Error from g++:
In instantiation of 'T cube(T) [with T = StopWatch]':
       required from here
       error: no match for 'operator*' (operand types are 'StopWatch' and 'StopWatch')
       return value * value * value;
We need to ensure that there is an overloaded * operator that takes a StopWatch on the left and right side of the operator:
StopWatch StopWatch::operator*(const StopWatch &sw) const
  return StopWatch(seconds_ * sw.seconds_);
Now, the following will compile:
StopWatch sw1(4);    // Create a StopWatch set to 4 seconds
StopWatch sw2;       // Create a StopWatch set to 0 seconds
sw2 = cube(sw1);     // Cube the first StopWatch and assign to second
cout << sw2 << endl; // Displays 00:01:04 (4 * 4 * 4 = 64 seconds)
Things to realize:

Multiple Template Parameters

Suppose we want a generic Max function:
template <typename T>
T Max(T a, T b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
we try to use it like this:
int i = Max(25, 10);      // i = 25
double d = Max(2.5, 3.1); // d = 3.1
double e = Max(2.5, 4);   // error: no matching function for call to 'Max(double, int)'
We need to specify the type of both parameters in order to mix types:

template <typename T1, typename T2>
T1 Max(T1 a, T2 b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
This leads to:
double d1 = Max(4.5, 3); // d1 = 4.5 
double d2 = Max(3, 4.5); // d2 = 4.0 ???  (warning: converting to 'int' from 'double')
If we change the return type, it will work for the above problem:

template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 Max(T1 a, T2 b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
But now this is problematic:
int i = Max(3, 4.5); // i = 4 ???  (warning: converting to 'int' from 'double')
Finally, add a third type:
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
T1 Max(T2 a, T3 b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
This leads to:
double d1 = Max(3, 4.5); // error: can't deduce template argument for 'T1' 
Max(3, 4.5);             // may be called this way as well (ignore return value) 
The errors are slightly different for each compiler:
GNU: no matching function for call to 'Max(int, double)'
Clang: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T1'
Borland: Could not find a match for 'Max(int,double)'
Microsoft: error 'T1 Max(T2,T3)' : could not deduce template argument for 'T1' 	
The simple fact is that the compiler cannot deduce the return type of a function. The user must specify it.

Various solutions:

double d2 = Max<double, int, double>(3, 4.5); // OK, all explicit
double d3 = Max<double, double, int>(4.5, 3); // OK, all explicit
double d4 = Max<double>(3, 4.5);              // Ok, first explicit, compiler deduces others
double d5 = Max<double, int, int>(4.5, 3);    // OK, all explicit, but truncating (possible warning)
double d6 = Max<int, double, int>(4.5, 3);    // OK, all explicit, but truncating (possible warning)
Suppose I made this subtle change:
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
T3 Max(T1 a, T2 b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
How does that affect the code above? Other calls to Max?

So, what's the best solution? There isn't one. The STL (std::max) chose to disallow mixing types so there is no problem!

Finally, in case T is a large object, it may be more desirable to use references:

template <typename T>
T Max(const T& a, const T& b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
template <typename T> 
T cube(const T& value)
  return value * value * value;
Since it may be difficult to know exactly what types will be passed to the function, using references helps avoid the cost of passing large objects by value.

Explicit Template Specialization

Up until now, all of our templated functions have been generated from the template. (Which was the whole point.)

What if the code generated by the compiler didn't do what we expect? (It can and does happen, e.g. a compiler-generated copy constructor.)

Let's create an example:
template <typename T>
bool equal(T a, T b)
  std::cout << a << " and " << b << " are ";

  if (a == b)
    std::cout << "equal\n";
    std::cout << "not equal\n";

  return a == b;
void f4()
  int a = 5, b = 5, c = 8;
  double d1 = 3.14, d2 = 5.0;

  equal(a, b);     // 5 and 5 are equal
  equal(a, c);     // 5 and 8 are not equal
  equal(a, c - 3); // 5 and 5 are equal
  equal(d1, d2);   // 3.14 and 5.0 are not equal
So far, so good. The function is working as expected.

Here's a question: What functionality (behavior) must the type T support in order for the code above to work?

This won't work, though:

equal(a, d2); 
error: no matching function for call to 'equal(int, double)'
   equal(a, d2);
note: candidate: template T equal(T, T)
 T equal(T a, T b)
note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
note:   deduced conflicting types for parameter 'T' ('int' and 'double')
   equal(a, d2);
But, we don't care about that. (How could we make this "work" if we did care?)

How about these:

const char s1[] = "One";
const char s2[] = "One";
const char s3[] = "Two";

equal(s1, s2);       // One and One are not equal
equal(s1, s3);       // One and Two are not equal
equal(s1, "One");    // One and One are not equal
equal(s1, s1);       // One and One are equal
equal("One", "One"); // ???
Why are we getting "odd" results?

TemplateExpansion (artist's rendering)
template <typename T>
bool equal(T a, T b)
    // Compare the two
  if (a == b)

    // other stuff

bool equal(const char * a, const char * b)
    // Compare the two
  if (a == b)

    // other stuff
This just won't do, so we need to take matters into our own hands.

Now this code will do what we expect:
const char s1[] = "One";
const char s2[] = "One";
const char s3[] = "Two";

  // With specialization for equal
equal(s1, s2);    // One and One are equal
equal(s1, s3);    // One and Two are not equal
equal(s1, "One"); // One and One are equal
equal(s1, s1);    // One and One are equal
Note that the type is not strictly required in the second angle brackets, since the compiler can deduce the type from the parameters. This:
template <>
bool equal<const char *>(const char *a, const char *b)
can be changed to this:
template <>
bool equal(const char *a, const char *b)
However, the template and empty angle brackets must remain. If they are not there, then this function is just a regular, non-template function.

More details:

When the compiler must choose a function, the order of choice is: (from best to worst)

  1. Regular functions (created by programmer)
  2. Explicit specializations (created by programmer)
  3. Template generated (generated by compiler)
However, if you need to, you can always force the compiler to choose a particular function by explicitly stating which function to use.

// template function
template <typename T> 
T cube(T value)
  std::cout << "Cubing a " << typeid(T).name() << " (template): " << value << std::endl;
  return value * value * value;

// explicit specialization cube<int>
template <> 
int cube<int>(int value)
  std::cout << "Cubing an int (specialization): " << value << std::endl;
  return value * value * value;

// regular function (non-template)
int cube(int value)
  std::cout << "Cubing an int (regular): " << value << std::endl;
  return value * value * value;

int main()
  cube(5);           // 1. regular
  cube<double>(10L); // 2. template, first instantion
  cube(2.5F);        // 3. template, first instantion
  cube<int>(2.5);    // 4. specialization
  cube<char>(5);     // 5. template, first instantion
  cube('A');         // 6. template, no instantion (uses previous instantiation from #5)
  return 0;
Output: (from Microsoft's/Borland's compiler)
Cubing an int (regular): 5
Cubing a double (template): 10
Cubing a float (template): 2.5
Cubing an int (specialization): 2
Cubing a char (template): ???         <--- Why ???
Cubing a char (template): A

Also note that you cannot create an explicit specialization for a function after an implicit instantiation for that same function has been generated. For example, if we had this code before the explicit specialization for the cube function taking an int:

void foo()
    // implicitly instantiates cube for integers
  int i = cube<int>(25); 
The explicit specialization following this will generate a compiler error along these lines:
specialization of T cube(T) [with T = int] after instantiation (GNU)
Template instance 'int cube(int)' is already instantiated (Borland)
explicit specialization; 'T cube(T)' has already been instantiated (Microsoft)

Another example revisited. Given the templated Max function below (only one type specified):

template <typename T>
T Max(T a, T b)
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;
What is printed here?
int main()
  cout << Max(5, 2) << endl;
  cout << Max(4.5, 3.14) << endl;
  cout << Max('A', 'a') << endl;
  cout << Max("banana", "apple") << endl;
  return 0;
The fix:
// Explicit specialization for const char *
// to sort lexicographically
template <> 
const char* Max<const char *>(const char *a, const char *b)
  if (strcmp(a, b) >= 0)
    return a;
    return b;

Overloaded Template Functions

Suppose we have this "universal" swap function:
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b)
  T temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
and a trivial use case:
int i = 10, j = 20;
double d = 3.14, e = 2.71;

Swap(i, j); // i=20, j=10
Swap(d, e); // d=2.71, e=3.14
What is the result of this "Swap"?

int a[] = {1, 3, 5, 7,  9, 11};
int b[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12};
Swap(a, b); // ???

To get an idea of what's going on, look at what the instantiated function might look like:

void Swap(int a[6], int b[6])
  int temp[6] = a; // error: initializing an array with array
  a = b;           // error: assigning an array
  b = temp;        // error: assigning an array
This produces errors because T instantiates to int[6]:


In instantiation of 'void Swap(T&, T&) [with T = int [6]]':
   required from here
error: array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer
   T temp = a;
error: invalid array assignment
   a = b;
error: invalid array assignment
   b = temp;
error C2075: 'temp' : array initialization needs curly braces
  see reference to function template instantiation 'void Swap(T (&),T (&))' being compiled
    T=int [6]
error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
We need a function that can deal with arrays, so we overload the template:

  // original template function
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b)
  T temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
  // overloaded template function
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b, int size)
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    T temp = a[i];
    a[i] = b[i];
    b[i] = temp;
Reminder: This is overloading because the function name is the same, but the parameters are different. This enables the compiler to call the correct one.


int a[] = {1, 3, 5, 7,  9, 11};
int b[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12};
int size = sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a);

Swap(a, b, size); // calls Swap(T &, T &, T) [with T = int]

Display(a, size); // 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Display(b, size); // 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
In this example above, to handle C++ arrays, we need to specify the size as the third parameter.

Of course, we could have leveraged the original Swap function:

  // Using the original Swap function
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b, int size)
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    Swap(a[i], b[i]);
Because the two Swap functions have different parameters, the compiler doesn't get confused when one function calls the other.

Implicit vs. Explicit Instantiations

int foobar(int a);

int main()
  int x = foobar(5);

  return x;
int foobar(int a)
  return a;
Compiling and linking commands:
g++ -c main1.cpp 
g++ -c foobar1.cpp
g++ main1.o foobar1.o

template <typename T> T foobar(T a);

int main()
  int x = foobar(5);

  return x;
template <typename T> 
T foobar(T a)
  return a;
Compiling and linking commands:
g++ -c main2.cpp 
g++ -c foobar2.cpp
g++ main2.o foobar2.o
main2.o:main2.cpp:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `int foobar(int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Force the compiler (put this at the end of foobar2.cpp):
// explicit instantiation
template int foobar<int>(int);
The fundamental problem is that the compiler needs to know how to instantiate the foobar function. This means the templated function MUST be in the same compilation unit (i.e. file) as the code that is calling it.

Pros and Cons of function templates.


Cons: Look at this completely bogus function (with line numbers):
47  template <typename T>
48  void BadSwap(T &a, T &b, int size)
49  {
50    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
51    {
52      T temp(2, "two");
53      b[i] = temp ^ a;
55, 2, 3.15);
57      if (a % b < a / b)
58        a = "bye" + 7;
59    }
60  }
What are the requirements for T?

When the compiler first sees this template, it checks "what ever it can". In this example above, the compiler doesn't say anything. It can't. It has no idea what the type of T is yet.

Later, when some other code calls it, the compiler will know what T is:

// assume a and b are integer arrays as above   
BadSwap(a, b, size);
This is what happens:
main3.cpp: In instantiation of 'void BadSwap(T&, T&, int) [with T = int [6]]':
main3.cpp:80:21:   required from here
main3.cpp:52:7: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
     T temp(2, "two");
main3.cpp:52:7: error: array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer
main3.cpp:53:17: error: invalid operands of types 'int [6]' and 'int [6]' to binary 'operator^'
     b[i] = temp ^ a;
main3.cpp:54:7: error: request for member 'foo' in 'a', which is of non-class type 'int [6]'"hello");
main3.cpp:55:7: error: request for member 'bar' in 'b', which is of non-class type 'int [6]', 2, 3.15);
main3.cpp:57:11: error: invalid operands of types 'int [6]' and 'int [6]' to binary 'operator%'
     if (a % b < a / b)
main3.cpp:57:19: error: invalid operands of types 'int [6]' and 'int [6]' to binary 'operator/'
     if (a % b < a / b)
main3.cpp:58:9: error: incompatible types in assignment of 'const char*' to 'int [6]'
       a = "bye" + 7;
Now, look at this equally bad version:
62  template <typename T>
63  void BadSwap2(T &a, T &b, int size)
64  {
65    for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++)  // ???  
66    {
67      T temp(2, "two");
68      b[i] = temp ^ a;
69'hello');              // ???  
70, , 3.15);            // ???  
72     if (a % b < a / b)
73       a = "bye" * 7;              // ???  
74   }
75   retrun;                         // ???  
76  }
This is what the compiler says when it first encounters it (before it has been instantiated):
main3.cpp:69:11: warning: character constant too long for its type'hello');
main3.cpp: In function 'void BadSwap2(T&, T&, int)':
main3.cpp:65:23: error: 'siz' was not declared in this scope
   for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++)
main3.cpp:65:23: note: suggested alternative: 'size'
   for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++)
main3.cpp:70:14: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token, , 3.15);
main3.cpp:73:17: error: invalid operands of types 'const char [4]' and 'int' to binary 'operator*'
       a = "bye" * 7;
main3.cpp:75:3: error: 'retrun' was not declared in this scope
main3.cpp:75:3: note: suggested alternative: 'setbuf'
Still, even with all of these cons, function templates abound in the STL, are extremely useful and common, and are used by many C++ programmers every day.