Class Inheritance Part 1

Object-Oriented Programming

Inheritance is one of the three pillars of Object Oriented Programming:
  1. Encapsulation (data abstraction/hiding; the class)
  2. Inheritance (Is-a relationship, extending a class)
  3. Polymorphism (dynamic binding, virtual methods)
The topic in bold is what we will be discussing now.

You've already seen encapsulation (classes). Now we will look at extending a class via inheritance.

Other OO languages may use slightly different terminology than C++. Here are some equivalents:

Object Class object or instance
Instance variable Private data member
Method Public member function
Message passing Calling a public member function

Within a class, all of the data and functions are related. Within a program, classes can be related in various ways.

  1. Two classes are independent of each other and have nothing in common
  2. Two classes are related by inheritance
  3. Two classes are related by composition, also called aggregation or containment
Inheritance Composition

An inheritance relationship can be represented by a hierarchy.

A partial vehicle hierarchy:

A partial animal hierarchy:

A Simple Example

Structures to represent 2D and 3D points:

struct Point2D
  double x_;
  double y_;
struct Point3D
  double x_;
  double y_;
  double z_;

Another way to define the 3D struct so that we can reuse the Point2D struct:

struct Point3D_composite
  Point2D xy_; // Struct contains a Point2D object
  double z_;
The memory layout of Point3D and Point3D_composite is identical and is obviously compatible with C, as there is nothing "C++" about them yet.

Accessing the members:

void PrintXY(const Point2D &pt)
  std::cout << pt.x_ << ", " << pt.y_;

void PrintXYZ(const Point3D &pt)
  std::cout << pt.x_ << ", " << pt.y_ << ", " << pt.z_;

void PrintXYZ(const Point3D_composite &pt)
  std::cout << pt.xy_.x_ << ", " << pt.xy_.y_;
  std::cout << ", " << pt.z_;
Of course, the last function can be modified to reuse PrintXY:

void PrintXYZ(const Point3D_composite &pt)
  PrintXY(pt.xy_); // delegate for X,Y
  std::cout << ", " << pt.z_;
Another way to do define the 3D point is to use inheritance to extend the 2D point class:
  // Struct inherits a Point2D object
struct Point3D_inherit : public Point2D
  double z_;
This new struct has the exact same physical structure as the previous two 3D point structs and is still compatible with C:

struct Point3D
  double x_;
  double y_;
  double z_;
struct Point3D_composite
  Point2D xy_; // Struct contains a Point2D object
  double z_;
Another overloaded print function:

void PrintXYZ(const Point3D_inherit &pt)
  std::cout << pt.x_ << ", " << pt.y_ << ", " << pt.z_;

struct Point2D
  double x_;
  double y_;
struct Point3D
  double x_;
  double y_;
  double z_;
struct Point3D_composite
  Point2D xy_;
  double z_;
struct Point3D_inherit : public Point2D
  double z_;

Sample usage:

int main()
  Point3D pt3;           // 24 bytes
  Point3D_composite ptc; // 24 bytes
  Point3D_inherit pti;   // 24 bytes

  char buffer[100]; // scratch buffer

    // Displays: pt3: x=0012FF68, y=0012FF70, z=0012FF78
  sprintf(buffer, "pt3: x=%p, y=%p, z=%p\n", &pt3.x_, &pt3.y_, &pt3.z_);
  std::cout << buffer;

    // Displays: ptc: x=0012FF50, y=0012FF58, z=0012FF60
  sprintf(buffer, "ptc: x=%p, y=%p, z=%p\n", &ptc.xy_.x_, &ptc.xy_.y_, &ptc.z_);
  std::cout << buffer;

    // Displays: pti: x=0012FF38, y=0012FF40, z=0012FF48
  sprintf(buffer, "pti: x=%p, y=%p, z=%p\n", &pti.x_, &pti.y_, &pti.z_);
  std::cout << buffer;

    // Assign to Point3D members
  pt3.x_ = 1; 
  pt3.y_ = 2; 
  pt3.z_ = 3;
  std::cout << std::endl;

    // Assign to Point3D_composite members (explicit subobject)
    // To access the 2D variables, you must use xy_ by name
  ptc.xy_.x_ = 4;
  ptc.xy_.y_ = 5;
  ptc.z_ = 6;
  std::cout << std::endl;

    // Assign to Point3D_inherit members (implicit subobject)
    // You can access the 2D variables directly (they are public)
  pti.x_ = 7;
  pti.y_ = 8;
  pti.z_ = 9;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;
pt3: x=0012FF68, y=0012FF70, z=0012FF78
ptc: x=0012FF50, y=0012FF58, z=0012FF60
pti: x=0012FF38, y=0012FF40, z=0012FF48
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
Notes about this syntax:

struct Point3D_inherit : public Point2D
Adding methods to the structs to make it more like C++:

struct Point2D
  double x_;
  double y_;
  void print()
    std::cout << x_ << ", " << y_;

struct Point3D
  double x_;
  double y_;
  double z_;
  void print()
    std::cout << x_ << ", " << y_ << ", " << z_;

Composition vs. inheritance (currently, everything is public):

struct Point3D_composite
  Point2D xy_;
  double z_;
  void print()
      // Point2D members are public as well
    std::cout << xy_.x_ << ", " << xy_.y_;  
    std::cout << ", " << z_;
struct Point3D_inherit : public Point2D
  double z_;
  void print()
      // Point2D members are public as well
    std::cout << x_ << ", " << y_;  
    std::cout << ", " << z_;        

And in main we would have something that looks like this:

Point3D pt3;
Point3D_composite ptc;
Point3D_inherit pti;

// setup points

pti.print();  // Is this legal? Ambiguous? Which print method is called? (Hint: Think like a compiler!)

Now that we have the syntax down, let's make it even more C++-like with constructors, private members, and public methods. We'll also use the class keyword instead of struct:

// This class is a stand-alone 2D point
class Point2D
    Point2D(double x, double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {};
    void print()
      std::cout << x_ << ", " << y_;
    double x_;
    double y_;
// This class is a stand-alone 3D point
class Point3D
    Point3D(double x, double y, double z) : x_(x), y_(y), z_(z) {};
    void print()
      std::cout << x_ << ", " << y_ << ", " << z_;
    double x_;
    double y_;
    double z_;
With composition, we must initialize the contained Point2D object in the initializer list. We've seen this before here with the Student class that contains a String object.

// This class contains a Point2D object
struct Point3D_composite
    Point3D_composite(double x, double y, double z) : xy_(x, y), z_(z) {};
    void print()
      xy_.print(); // 2D members are now private
      std::cout << ", " << z_;
    Point2D xy_;
    double z_;
With inheritance, we also must initialize the Point2D subobject in the initializer list. This is new:
// This class inherits a Point2D object
struct Point3D_inherit : public Point2D
    Point3D_inherit(double x, double y, double z) : Point2D(x ,y), z_(z) {};
    void print()
      Point2D::print(); // 2D members are now private
      std::cout << ", " << z_;        
    double z_;

We've now come across yet-another situation that requires the use of the member initializer list when initializing members of a class: Base class initialization. This brings the count now to 4: 1) constants, 2) references, 3) user-defined types (composition), and 4) base classes (inheritance).

Sample usage:

int main()
    // Create Point3D 
  Point3D pt3(1, 2, 3);
  std::cout << std::endl;

    // Create Point3D_composite
  Point3D_composite ptc(4, 5, 6);
  std::cout << std::endl;

    // Create Point3D_inherit
  Point3D_inherit pti(7, 8, 9);
  std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9

A Larger Example

The Base Class

class Time
    Time(int h, int m, int s);
    void Set(int h, int m, int s);
    void Print() const;
    void Increment();

    int hrs_;
    int mins_;
    int secs_;
A diagram of the Time class:

Note that sizeof(Time) is 12 bytes.

Partial implementation from Time.cpp: (Notice the code reuse even in this simple example.)

  Set(0, 0, 0);

Time::Time(int h, int m, int s)
  Set(h, m, s);

void Time::Set(int h, int m, int s)
  hrs_ = h;
  mins_ = m;
  secs_ = s;

Note: To keep the examples simple, I'm omitting all of the data validation in the Time class. Normally, you would want to make sure that the values given for hours, minutes, and seconds make sense.

Extending the Time class

Now we decide that we'd like the Time class to include a Time Zone:
enum TimeZone {EST, CST, MST, PST, EDT, CDT, MDT, PDT};
We have several choices at this point:
  1. Modify the Time class to include a TimeZone.
  2. Create a new class by copying and pasting the code for the existing Time class and adding the TimeZone.
  3. Create a new class by inheriting from the Time class.
What are the pros and cons of each of the choices above?

  1. Easy to do. Affects (breaks) existing code, which may be what we want (bug fix).
  2. Easy, can't affect old code (and vice versa). Bugs will need to be fixed in both places. Need to maintain two similar sets of code.
  3. Easy (if you know what to do), maximum code reuse, no code duplication, relatively straight-forward.
Deriving ExtTime from Time:
Base classDerived class
class Time
    Time(int h, int m, int s);
    void Set(int h, int m, int s);
    void Print() const;
    void Increment();

    int hrs_;
    int mins_;
    int secs_;
class ExtTime : public Time
    ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z);
    void Set(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z);
    void Print() const;

    TimeZone zone_;

What is sizeof(ExtTime)? How might it be laid out in memory?

Some implementations of the ExtTime constructors:

  1. The derived class default constructor: (the base class default constructor is implicitly called)
      zone_ = EST; // arbitrary default
  2. The derived class non-default constructor: (the base class default constructor is implicitly called, although this is incorrect behavior)
    ExtTime::ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z)
      zone_ = z;
      // what do we do with h, m, and s?
  3. Initializing the base class explicitly using the non-default constructor:
    ExtTime::ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z) : Time(h, m, s)
      zone_ = z;
  4. Same as above using initializer list for derived member initialization:
    ExtTime::ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z) : Time(h, m, s), zone_(z)
The relationship between the Time and ExtTime classes:

In the ExtTime class:

Given our classes:

class Time
    Time(int h, int m, int s);
    void Set(int h, int m, int s);
    void Print() const;
    void Increment();

    int hrs_;
    int mins_;
    int secs_;
class ExtTime : public Time
    ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z);
    void Set(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z);
    void Print() const;

    TimeZone zone_;

What is the result of the code below? (What is the type of time? Remember, think like a compiler.)

ExtTime time;
time.Set(9, 30, 0); // ???

Time ImplementationExtTime Implementation
  Set(0, 0, 0);

Time::Time(int h, int m, int s)
  Set(h, m, s);

void Time::Set(int h, int m, int s)
  hrs_ = h;
  mins_ = m;
  secs_ = s;

void Time::Print() const
  cout << setw(2) << hrs_ << ':';
  cout << setw(2) << mins_ << ':';
  cout << setw(2) << secs_;

void Time::Increment()
  zone_ = EST;

ExtTime::ExtTime(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z) : Time(h, m, s)
  zone_ = z;

void ExtTime::Set(int h, int m, int s, TimeZone z)
  Time::Set(h, m, s); // Call base class Set. h,m,s are private
  zone_ = z;

void ExtTime::Print() const
  static const char *TZ[] = {"EST", "CST", "MST", "PST", 
                             "EDT", "CDT", "MDT", "PDT"};

  Time::Print(); // Call base class Print
  std::cout << " " << TZ[zone_];

If you really want to call the Set method of the base class, you'd have to do something like this:

ExtTime ext;
ext.Time::Set(1, 2, 3);
Of course, what happens to the time zone now? In general, you don't want to do this.
Additional notes:

Another Example of Inheritance

The specification (Employee.h) for an Employee class:
#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
#define EMPLOYEE_H

#include <string>

class Employee           
    Employee(const std::string& first, const std::string& last, float sal, int yrs);
    void setName(const std::string& first, const std::string& last);
    void setSalary(float newSalary);
    void setYears(int numYears);
    void Display() const;

    std::string firstName_;  
    std::string lastName_;   
    float salary_;    
    int years_;       
A diagram of the Employee class:

What is sizeof(Employee)?
What is sizeof(std::string)? (Depends on the implementation)

An implementation (Employee.cpp) for the Employee class:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Employee.h"

Employee::Employee(const std::string& first, const std::string& last, float sal, int yrs) : firstName_(first), lastName_(last)
  salary_ = sal;
  years_ = yrs;

void Employee::setName(const std::string& first, const std::string& last)
  firstName_ = first;
  lastName_ = last;

void Employee::setSalary(float newSalary)
  salary_ = newSalary;

void Employee::setYears(int numYears)
  years_ = numYears;

void Employee::Display() const
  std::cout << "  Name: " << lastName_;
  std::cout << ", " << firstName_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setprecision(2);
  std::cout << "Salary: $" << salary_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << " Years: " << years_ << std::endl;
The specification (Manager.h) for the Manager class:
#ifndef MANAGER_H
#define MANAGER_H
#include "Employee.h"

class Manager : public Employee
    Manager(const std::string& first, const std::string& last, float sal, int yrs, int dept, int emps);
    void setDeptNumber(int dept);
    void setNumEmployees(int emps);
    void Display() const;
    int deptNumber_;    // department managed
    int numEmployees_;  // employees in department

A diagram of the Manager class:

What is sizeof(Manager)?

An implementation (Manager.cpp) for the Manager class:

include <iostream>
include "Manager.h"

Manager::Manager(const std::string& first, const std::string& last, float salary, 
                 int years, int dept, int emps) : Employee(first, last, salary, years)
  deptNumber_ = dept;
  numEmployees_ = emps;

void Manager::Display() const
  std::cout << "  Dept: " << deptNumber_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Emps: " << numEmployees_ << std::endl;

void Manager::setDeptNumber(int dept)
  deptNumber_ = dept;

void Manager::setNumEmployees(int emps)
  numEmployees_ = emps;
Trace the execution of the following program through the class hierarchy. What is the output?

#include "employee.h"
#include "manager.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()
    // Create an Employee and a Manager
  Employee emp1("John", "Doe", 30000, 2);
  Manager mgr1("Mary", "Smith", 50000, 10, 5, 8); 

    // Display them
  cout << endl;
  cout << endl;

    // Change the manager's last name
  mgr1.setName("Mary", "Jones");
  cout << endl;

    // Add two employees and give a raise
  cout << endl;
  return 0;
  Name: Doe, John
Salary: $30000.00
 Years: 2

  Name: Smith, Mary
Salary: $50000.00
 Years: 10
  Dept: 5
  Emps: 8

  Name: Jones, Mary
Salary: $50000.00
 Years: 10
  Dept: 5
  Emps: 8

  Name: Jones, Mary
Salary: $80000.00
 Years: 10
  Dept: 5
  Emps: 10


Given these two classes:
class A
    A(int x = 0) { a_ = x; }
    void f1() 
      std::cout << "A1";
    void f2() 
      std::cout << "A2";
    void f3(int) 
      std::cout << "A3";
    int a_;
class B : public A
    B(int x) { a_ = x; }
    void f1(int) 
      std::cout << "B1";
    void f3()
      std::cout << "B3";
    void f4()
      std::cout << "B4";
    int a_;
Determine if the statement compiles. If it does compile, what is the ouput? If it doesn't compile, give a brief reason why it doesn't.
int main()
  A a;
  B b(5);
  a.f1();   1. __________  
  b.f1();   2. __________  
  a.f2();   3. __________  
  b.f2();   4. __________  
  a.f3();   5. __________  
  b.f3();   6. __________  
  b.f1(5);  7. __________   
  b.f3(5);  8. __________  

  return 0;

Another Example

When learning about the containers and other good stuff in the STL, many students and beginning programmers get caught by this:
int main()
    // Create empty list of strings
  std::list<std::string> cont1;

    // Add 3 strings
  cont1.push_back("one");    // add to end
  cont1.push_back("two");    // add to end
  cont1.push_back("three");  // add to end

    // Print out the elements using subscripts like with vector
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cont1.size(); ++i)
    std::cout << cont1[i] << std::endl;   

  return 0;
but we would quickly be met with this error message: (or something similar)
main.cpp: In function `int main()':
main.cpp: error: no match for 'operator[]' in 'cont1[i]'
There is no random access (no operator[]) so we need another way to iterate over the list. And we now know what the correct way is: use an iterator instead of subscripting.

However, suppose that you really wanted to add a subscript operator to the standard list class (NOT RECOMMENDED). You can do that easily with inheritance. BTW, you could do it at least 2 other ways (as mentioned at the top of this page). What are they?

#include <list>      // std::list (base class)
#include <iostream>  // cout, endl

  // MyList IS-A std::list
class MyList : public std::list<int>
    int& operator[](int index); // for l-values 

    // All other public methods from std::list are inherited ...

int& MyList::operator[](int index)
    // Start at the "head"
  MyList::iterator it = begin();

    // Skip over items until we reach the one
  for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)

    // Return the item "pointed to" by it
  return *it;

int main()
  MyList list;


    // Prints out: 8 3 5 2 1 9
  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
    std::cout << list[i] << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;

The new MyList class is-a std::list, meaning, anything you can do with a std::list, you can do with a MyList. This was just a demonstration of "extending" an existing class. You would NEVER want to do this for real because the performance is abysmal. With a class like vector, which has a subscript operator that works in constant time, the MyList subscript operator is linear. Linear is much, much slower than constant. In fact, the loop above that prints out the items is actually N2!!