Online Doxygen manual.

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( cat Doxyfile ; echo "EXTRACT_ALL=YES" ) | doxygen -
( cat Doxyfile ; echo "EXTRACT_ALL=NO" ) | doxygen -
Windows (no makefile, typed on the command line, not recommended)
( type Doxyfile & echo EXTRACT_ALL=YES ) | doxygen.exe -
( type Doxyfile & echo EXTRACT_ALL=NO ) | doxygen.exe -
It is suggested that you put these commands in your makefile for each assignment/lab to easily automate it. The rule would look something like this:
doxygen :
  ( cat Doxyfile ; echo "EXTRACT_ALL=YES" ) | doxygen -
  ( cat Doxyfile ; echo "EXTRACT_ALL=NO" ) | doxygen -


A CS120 file header comment:

filename    scantext.c
author      Nigel Tufnel
DP email
course      CS120
assignment  Programming Assignment #6
due date    11-30-2018

Brief Description:
  This program takes strings and performs various tasks on them via several
  separate functions. The functions include:

         mystrlen - Calculates the length (in characters) of a given string.

       count_tabs - Takes a string and counts the amount of tabs within.

  substitute_char - Takes a string and replaces every instance of a certain
                    character with another given character.

calculate_lengths - Calculates the length (in characters) of a given string
                    first with tabs, and again after tabs have been converted
                    to a given amount of spaces.

      count_words - Takes a string and counts the amount of words inside.
A Doxygen-style file header comment:
\file    scantext.c
\author  Nigel Tufnel
\par     DP email: tap11\
\par     Course: CS120
\par     Programming Assignment #6
\date    11-30-2028

  This program takes strings and performs various tasks on them via several
  separate functions.
+ mystrlen          - Calculates the length (in characters) of a given string.

+ count_tabs        - Takes a string and counts the amount of tabs within.

+ substitute_char   - Takes a string and replaces every instance of a certain
                      character with another given character.
+ calculate_lengths - Calculates the length (in characters) of a given string
                      first with tabs, and again after tabs have been converted
                      to a given amount of spaces.
+ count_words       - Takes a string and counts the amount of words inside.

A CS120-style function header comment. This assumes that the function substitute_char immediately follows this comment:
    Function: int substitute_char(char *string, char old_char, char new_char)

 Description: Replaces each instance of a given character in a string with
              other given characters.

      Inputs: string   - The string to walk through and replace characters in.

              old_char - The original character that will be replaced in the

              new_char - The character used to replace the old characters.

     Outputs: The amount of characters changed in the string.
A Doxygen-style function header comment. This assumes that the function substitute_char immediately follows this comment, so it is not necessary to duplicate the function prototype:
   Replaces each instance of a given character in a string with
   other given characters.

\param string
  The string to walk through and replace characters in.

\param old_char
  The original character that will be replaced in the string.
\param new_char
  The character used to replace the old characters

  The amount of characters changed in the string.
Online Doxygen manual.