Handy Hummer ID Tips

Okay, you've heard from the experts that it's impossible to separate Selasphorus hummingbirds in the field. Yet, these same guys are sending you out to confirm the breeding status of Allen's and Rufous Hummingbird (technically, Allen's has never been confirmed to breed in Oregon beyond displaying males and Rufous has never been confirmed in the southern part of its range). What's a poor field observer to do?

Here are some reliable characters that can be used with high reliability in the field:

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Allen's Hummingbird is believed to breed on the Oregon Coast in Curry County and possibly Southern Coos County. Definitive evidence of breeding by this species would be observation of the courtship display on multiple days in the same approximate area. The display begins with a series of shallow pendulum arcs followed by a single rise to perhaps 30m and a steep dive.
Throughout most of Cascadia, the expected Selasphorus hummingbird is Rufous Hummingbird. Its display is describe in the Golden Guide and in Peterson's Western Guide as elliptical. This is not a particularly good description. The j-shaped dives are connected by an upward return, but the shape of this return is imprecise. It is best described as j-shaped. The point at the bottom of each dive is more or less fixed. By the time a Rufous Hummingbird has completed his display, he has staked out a cylinder of air space about 30m high and 20m across.
Calliope Hummingbird is a species most regualrly found in open, high mountain areas. It has a display which is similar to the front end of the Allen's display. Generally, pendulum arcs are broader and there is no final dive. Calliopes are also, usually silent.
Anna's Hummingbird is a recent addition to the avifauna of the Pacific Northwest first recorded in the late 1940's in Oregon. It is the only species which regularly overwinters and is a very early breeder (Nov-Dec in California). Nests with eggs have been found in Oregon as early as February in Oregon. The diving display is like the Rufous (or the end of the Allen's). It lacks the loud "zubbing" sound that characterizes the arc of the Rufous. The Anna's display is also typically more 2 dimensional than the Rufous.

Plumage Characters


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This page created on March 11, 1997