Red-legged Kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris)
Sharnelle Fee of Wildlife Rehab Center of the North Coast called me out to confirm a RED-LEGGED KITTIWAKE in her care this am.  Photos are attached, and either she or I will be submitting a Rare Bird Report shortly.  Get this: it was found about 5 days ago by a woodcutter on Hwy 202, by the Jewell Elk Meadows.  Initially it was hemorrhaging somewhere gastrointestinally and spitting up blood, but now appears to be on the upswing.

At first I thought it was a young bird but after looking at the photos and noting the lack of a black tip on the bill I am inclined to think it an adult.

Lee Cain
Aquatic Biology/Integrated Science
Astoria High School

[notes from Mike Patterson: note that P7-P10 are old and worn 
while inner primaries are relatively fresh.  Sequential molt should
indicate at least 2nd winter, more probably 3W+.]