Kim Aaron |
Ballerina Gone Bad |
Bring more grapes! Bring more dancing boys! |
Catch hell with both hands. |
Dog Pitch Velocity - from another poem. |
Give me individuality or give me death. |
Hedges hide microphones Kittens follow you down the street and around the corner. Maybe I'm paranoid. I'm certainly not creating. |
I can't live with living without. |
If I were a camera... I'd look mighty funny in these shoes. |
I love Ringo. I love John. I love George... I love Ringo. |
I'm so drunk I'm typical. |
I'm the female imperative. |
Intelligent people aren't supposed to be happy. |
I won't sleep with him... unless he tries to seduce me. |
Life ends on a comeback. |
Morals stop at money. |
No mercy for the tacky. |
Republicans wrapping their fingers around the throat of democracy. |
Secure in the knowledge that someone's looking You still don't feel good about what's going on. I hope you figure out What you need Before you look and it's been gone. |
She sees this guy through lust-colored glasses. |
That's ok, I don't look like me anyway. |
We were on a seven-month collision course. |
Wit burning. |
I've seen the future - I can't afford it. --"I Wanna Be A Millionaire" |
LeNora Adkins |
Heck's doesn't have a baby aisle. |
The InHumane Society |
Kim, bless you for the banana - my potassium level thanks you. |
The price we pay because we don't want to pay the price. |
Brian Aldiss |
It is well that there is a distance between life and art. --"The Man and a Man with His Mule," Cultural Breaks, p. 58 SEE ALSO: Ander Monson |
Martin Amis |
Writing is infidelity. [...] all writing is infidelity. --The Information |
Tori Amos |
Boy you'd better hope I bleed real soon - how's that thought for you? --"Silent All These Years" |
God, sometimes you just don't come through - do you need a woman to look after you? --"God" | |
Just what God needs - one more victim. --"Crucify Yourself" |
So you can come - that doesn't make you Jesus. --"Precious Things," during an in-studio performance on KROQ-FM 106.7, Los Angeles, California. This version differs from the one on the lyric sheet... Here's why. |
There are only two emotions, love and distorted love, if you think about it. |
Laurie Anderson |
My father died, and it was as if a library had burned down. --Interview on NPR |
Piers Anthony |
Decent folk [had] to let the indecent folk do their thing; that was the paradox of decency. |
Antis, a band from Russia |
What kind of revolution is this that doesn't need intellectuals? --"Hush" |
Kathleen Ashodian |
BEER: It's only liquid bread. (This quote probably not original.) |
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Last updated August 31, 2006.
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